proposal for final paper
Proposal for Final Paper
List of Writing Prompts
Click each prompt below:
In Week Five of this course, you will submit a four- to five-page Literary Analysis in response to one of the topics from the approved List of Writing Prompts. This week, you will choose the topic you would like to explore, offer some information on what interests you about this topic, and supply a working thesis and key ideas you would like to develop. Though it might seem early to choose your topic, with only five weeks in the course, it is important to start early to best set yourself up for success.
After reviewing the list of prompts, choose one that you would like to explore. In addition, you should choose a literary work to discuss that relates to your topic of choice. The suggested literary works for each topic are listed beneath each prompt. Please review the Week 5 model example to understand what you are working toward on this assignment and future assignments.
Once you have decided on a prompt and text, respond to the directives below using the Proposal for Final Paper Worksheet. Please make sure your document is double spaced. See the Sample Proposal for guidance.
Additional Assignment Information
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