Graphically and/or mathematically illustrate a movement in macroeconomic variables that would theoretically be associated with this risk.

I/ am working on Section II, and need help collecting data for parts b, c, d, and e. Anyone able to assist? a. Using the aspects of risk outlined in Chapters 5–8, identify the types of economic risk that certain broad varieties of activities expose business entities to. b. Identify and describe two areas of your chosen firm’s operations that are subject to significant economic risk of each of the following: idiosyncratic, systematic, and systemic varieties. c. Identify specific macroeconomic variables that are associated empirically with an increase in the identified varieties of risk, and which may indicate increase or decrease in systematic and systemic risk specifically. d. Graphically and/or mathematically illustrate a movement in macroeconomic variables that would theoretically be associated with this risk.

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