Engineering  Technical Writing

Assignment 2: Description of a Technical Device—Due February 25, 2018Write a one-to-two page description of a concrete or solid object, such as a clock or another object with moving parts; i.e. a computer mouse, a keyboard. Title the assignment as Assignment 2, Description of (name of object). Discussion pointers on writing a technical description will be posted by your instructor in both the Discussion link and as an Announcement in your Eagle Online course sandbox. Please read this material before completing Assignment 2. NOTE: If these are not the exact page numbers in the text you have, look up topics “Description or Technical Description” in the Index of Topics at the end of your text and  use those pages. Let your instructor know the title and edition of the book that you are using. Generally, in this assignment you will describe the size or general dimensions of the device or object that you have selected to describe, its material makeup or covering, what it looks like generally to the user at first view, and a little about how it works, but not too much detail of its function. The purpose of this assignment is for you to inform the reader about the device. The device that you select to describe should have a few moving parts, but do not describe an automobile, an oil rig, or a space station because these items are too large. Another objective of this assignment is for you to examine the object carefully noticing little, finite details about the item. DO NOT COPY A DEFINITION OR DESCRIPTION FROM THE INTERNET. This should be an object that you have in your office or at home and an object with which you are fairly familiar yourself but have never described in writing before. This assignment is designed to teach you critical and analytical writing skills. The Index in the back of the textbook also lists in alphabetical order topics that are discussed (and their page numbers) in your technical writing book. Use this index frequently to read about selected topics. Format for Assignment: Center the title on the page. Type your name on all attachments. Example for a title: Description of the Casablanca Ceiling Fan (You may also include the Model Number in the title as well or in the first paragraph.) Attach your assignment to your e-mail message that you send me telling me that you are enclosing the assignment. I recommend that you use a tab spacing for each new paragraph in your documents and you can just indent new paragraphs and not have to worry about inserting an extra blank line before new paragraphs before a new paragraph and indent paragraphs. Write your name, course number, and the assignment number on your attachment in the upper left-hand corner of your assignment. Include in this first assignment a note or footnote telling me the computer software application that you will be using this semester, such as Microsoft Word for Windows with Windows 2010. SAVE ALL documents (on your personal USB drive) that you send me for your own records. Assignment 2-A: Draw an illustration of the object described and label it as Figure 1. Give the illustration a title. You can draw this object freehand or copy and paste a picture of the object. Be sure to label the object with a title and five the illustration a figure number. For example: Figure 1. Overview of Casablanca Ceiling Fan or Figure 1. Diagram of Casablanca Ceiling Fan. Then put a source note for the source from which you obtained the picture. NOTE: You may cut and paste an illustration if you include the source from which you took the illustration.

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