discuss what you think might be the ideal writing process for you personally

If you chose to do the Writing Process Plan:

Discuss what you think might be the ideal writing process for you personally when faced with a long or difficult essay. (Don’t describe your current process – use the information from the CC&R chapter to design a better one!)

Be very specific about what steps you will take and why. You can use this plan in the future and continue to adjust it as you write essays for this class and others. Your Writing Process Plan should be at least one full page long, and will be likely closer to 1 and a 1/2 or 2 pages long. By the end of the semester, you should have a personalized process for writing essays that you have discovered is the most beneficial and efficient for you personally.

If you would like, you can look at this example of a Writing Process Plan written by a student from a previous semester:

Student 1

Example Student

26 June 2011

Ideal Writing Process Plan

Writing an essay requires large amounts of time and commitment. There are two main aspects that demand special attention when we take on a project to write an essay: Time management and strategy. Due to the fact that, we have a fixed number of slots in our agendas, devoting sufficient amounts of time becomes critical on creating the conditions to build our essay. The other aspect is the strategy which will determine the quality of our final product.

ï‚· Allocating time. This is something that I had not considered to important in the past; however, I will consider it key from now on. It is extremely important to isolate periods of time for writing putting special emphasis on the surroundings by making sure that I have the best possible conditions for an optimal writing session: noise level, distractions, lighting, etc.

 Read the directions carefully. This strategy is definitely a must in my writing tools. I have paid the price of not reading carefully the directions of the essay which has had terrible consequences like losing some valuable points during the semester which will effect my final grade. I will harvest the benefits of paying special attention on the key words since these words will let me know the details of the assignment. By reading the assignment carefully, I’ll make sure that I am working in the right direction.

ï‚· Consider the relation Audience-Message-Author. It is important to be aware of these three components of the communication process to convey the message to the right audience. The language used has to be determined by the audience that will decode the

Student 2

material not by the author who encodes the message. The message needs to be crafted

effectively to reach its audience, it has to consider: culture, age group, cultural believes,

audience expectations, etc. The authors have to be aware of their own background, and

personality, when writing a paper. Being aware of the relation audience-message-author

will assist me on clearing any potential communication barriers with the audience.

ï‚· Generating ideas. There are two techniques that are of special interest that I had not used

before: Free writing and clustering. In the past I had used something similar to clustering

when I had to write but now that I know more about this technique I will take advantage

of it and use it to develop my essay from the very beginning. Clustering is a very visual

technique that I can use during the whole writing process to make sure that everything is

in line. Also, free writing is very good option to get the writing gears going when the start

up gets complicated. These two techniques will benefit my writing both to generate ideas

and to organize those ideas in an effective way.

ï‚· Thesis Statement. I prefer to do my thesis statement after the idea generation session this

helps me to keep my writing focused on the direction that I need. Special attention is

allocated to ensure that the thesis statement provokes the reader to continue reading; thus

getting exposed to all the information in the paper. At the end, I always end up adapting

the essay to reflect the direction of the final product but during the process it helps me to

stay on track.

ï‚· Sample Outline. After I have decided on the thesis statement I get to my outline. Having

an outline early on allows me to stay focus on the subject. There are two outlines that I

like to use: topic outline and cards outline. I will use a topic outline when my essay

follows a chronological order since the order of the paragraphs is already defined;

Student 3

however, when my essays are not chronological, I will use outline cards to do different

combinations until I come up with a combination that flows nicely and conveys the right

message to the audience. Having these two options when I do the outline will help me to

build up my argument more effectively and logically.

ï‚· Writing the first draft. Now that everything is in place I can get to work and do my first

draft. In the first draft I don’t focused on correct grammar and punctuation. My main goal

at this stage is to generate as much usable information as possible to have a generous pull

of information to choose from; thus, gaining the flexibility to choose from a variety of

potential directions of the essay.

ï‚· Edit and revise. After the first draft I take a look at the whole picture to make sure that it

flows nicely from paragraph to paragraph. At this stage I decide which areas need to be

condensed and which areas need to be expanded. I read whole essay again to make sure

that everything is in line with the thesis. Editing and revising will give to my essay the

final shape in addition to make it more appealing to the audience.

ï‚· Proofread. At this stage I will check for misspellings, and punctuation errors. If possible,

I will have other people read it and evaluate it. Proofreading will help me on correcting

the details that did not get cleared on the large-scale revision.

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