Before you begin this assignment, be sure you: Read the �…
Before you begin this assignment, be sure you: Read the “UMUC Haircuts Case Study Stage 1 & 2” & review “Walmart Example.” Review Instructor feedback from previous submissions. Overview of IT Requirements for a System to Improve the Process at UMUC Haircuts For your Case Study Stage 1 assignment, you performed a Five Forces Analysis and justified Myra’s chosen strategy for competitive advantage and the business process that she would like to improve through the application of technology. For your Stage 2 assignment, you identified the inputs, processing and outputs of Myra’s selected business process. Those inputs, processing and outputs form the functional (business) requirements for an IT system to improve the process. In Stage 3, you will define the IT requirements by evaluating their applicability and importance in a new system to be implemented to improve the identified business process for UMUC Haircuts. The requirements that are identified as relevant to the business process will form the IT (technical) requirements for a system. In evaluating and selecting an IT system, both the functional (business) requirements and the IT requirements need to be considered. The areas that need to be considered in developing the IT requirements are listed below in the Table of IT Requirements. Depending on the specific process being improved and the data it uses, the areas listed will vary in both relevance and importance. For example, in a system to handle applications for Social Security, security and privacy are extremely important; but for a system to list what movies are being shown, privacy is not applicable at all. Your analysis must relate to the process Myra seeks to improve. When both the functional (business) and technical (IT) requirements are identified, the system requirements are complete enough that you can then begin looking for a specific solution to meet the needs of UMUC Haircuts. Researching and finding an appropriate system to improve the process at UMUC Haircuts will be done in Stage 4.