Assignment: the paper should be at least one-two full pag…
Assignment: the paper should be at least one-two full pages in length. I will send the patent it is only a reference to give you an idea about the innovation in order to answer the questions below: Apropriability is defined as the degree to which a firm is able to capture the rents from its innovation. Apropriability is determined by how easily or quickly competitors can copy the innovation. Some innovations are inherently difficult to copy (tacit, socially complex etc.) Firms may also attempt to protect innovations through patents, trademarks, copyrights, or trade secrets. ‘ Assignment: the paper should be at least one-two full pages in length. Questions : Write an appropriation plan (Apropriability) based on the patent Carbonated Chewy Granola Bars. Can the innovation be protected? What prevents others from circumventing you? What do companies do to protect themselves from imitators? What would stop competition from making it?